There is a real person behind this website busy studying and writing about the hidden treasures found in this small but powerful Book of the Bible. Some articles may sound repetitive but given this small Book the message is very clear and worth repeating each time.
Who I am is of no importance at the moment.
This is just a place to share my thoughts and findings as I venture through the passages of this Holy Book.
My intent is to write about the battles and oppositions the Jewish people faced during this historical time and show how it still relates to the world in which we now live.
The era is different, the people have changed and so has the world but not the message that God was giving to the Prophet Haggai. It still holds as much truth and power today as it did then.
Hopefully, along the way, you will experience the truth and understanding for yourself. Anyone that is looking for answers and help to deal with your own opposition as you try to navigate through life.
I know for myself it speaks to me and has for quite a long time.
God Bless